A Reintroduction to Alli Patterson and Where God Is Taking Me
When I was in college, I had a marketing professor that asked us to introduce ourselves using a product or slogan. I said I was like a Dulcolax laxative. I chose it because their advertising campaign was “strong yet gentle.” Yes, it was funny (and embarrassing), but that idea is core to who I have always wanted to be… like Jesus who was described by his best friend as being “... full of grace and truth.”
The ‘truth’ part in me seemed to come wired into my soul… It is even the meaning of my name! Allison means “Truthful one.” Names can be a word that God speaks over your life, and I believe the God-given purpose of my name is clear in everything I do. Maybe yours is, too!
If you don’t know me yet, I am a teaching pastor at Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. I’m also a wife, a mother, a writer, and a speaker. I have my own ministry, where I empower women with real, Biblically-founded wisdom and strength.
Everything I do somehow comes back to seeking truth and communicating truthfully. It is very much what I care about!
That also means I’m both a challenger and an encourager. I love to help others find the courage to follow Jesus in their real lifel We all hit walls and face feelings of fear and overwhelm. We all get stuck or bored or lost sometimes. I love to empower and inspire people to seek God in those places and find the One who Knows why they were made
The ‘grace’ part in me has been built more slowly as I discovered my own deep need for forgiveness and mercy from God and others; as I needed love I didn’t deserve from my spouse and as I have had children and seen all my own imperfections up closer! The more I live, the softer my heart has gotten. Now, the grace flows easily into and out of me because of God’s work in my life over many years (I first met Jesus at 16 years old).
As I’m sure you’ve also had, there are seasons of life where I feel the need to reset, refocus, and realign myself with God’s purpose. With that in mind, I wanted to give you a quick update on myself and my ministry. Here is where God has brought me in the first half of 2024 — and where he’s taking me as we move courageously forward into a bright future together.
Where God Has Me in 2024
When asked, most of us answer the “who are you?” question with what we do. As I mentioned earlier, I’m a spouse, a teacher, a mother, a writer, etc. But that doesn’t really tell you who I am on a deeper level.
I am most deeply a child of God and a follower of Christ. My personal encounters with the truth and grace of Jesus have led me to a life where my faith in Him leads everything else I do. It’s a life of commitment and courage to seek the Kingdom of God. My faith superpower comes from my willingness to take risks to obey God. I start each day grounded in spiritual rhythms and disciplines that help me maintain my connection with Christ, and I’d love to help you do the same.
I find my deepest joy in my marriage, my children, and my family. (I know everyone says that, but I don’t care!) The truth of this statement is another work of God in my life. At one time, I desired career and success much more than God. (You can read more about how that led to a big crash and renewal of my life in my book called How to Stay Standing). I have rebuilt my life’s foundation on a passionate belief in the Word of God, which is the only bedrock worth building on.
I am all about laying strong foundations. In How to Stay Standing, I share three rhythms that will keep your life strong and hopeful even when you take a hit. It’s also why I care about reading and teaching the Bible, regular prayer, and taking good care of my home and family. I want the bedrock of my life to be strong: it’s what keeps us grounded and on track, no matter what comes our way.
This is who I am. In 2024, this inner framework has helped me reach big milestones in my marriage and my family experience – we've now been married for more than 25 years! I see the years of plowing and planting and growth are bearing fruit everywhere I turn.
And you know what that means, right? When things are good, that’s often when God wants you to move! He sets up stability so that you can share it with others, which leads me to the second half of 2024…
Where God Is Taking Me in 2024 and Beyond
So, where are all of these blessings taking me? There are a couple of ways to answer the question. Let me start with a 10,000-foot view.
At the beginning of the year, God told me to “take care of people” and “lay foundations.” These may sound simple on the surface, but they are a powerful commission!
If you haven’t picked up on it yet, I’m all about foundations. I’m all about building a relationship with Jesus that’s everlasting and strong spiritual habits that are reliable.
Secure foundations give us the ability to build new things. When our foundations are firm, God can build on them. That’s where I am now: in a phase of building new things. I’m heading up the first-ever ministry at Crossroads geared towards equipping women, called “Crossroads Women,” and have created a new conference called ‘Ignite.’ I have a new book releasing in January 2025 and a fresh focus on writing new Bible studies for the coming season.
God has been encouraging me to accept a level of leadership and vision I never have been willing and able to before – that’s where the “taking care of people” part is really picking up. This season, the outward-facing part of my ministry is going to be turned up to 11 — and I’m so excited about it! It’s stretching vision and leadership muscles I haven’t used in a while.
Zooming In on My Calling and Mission
What does it look like for me to “take care of people?” It always means being a present, engaged mother and wife first, but I’m blessed with the margin to pursue four other things professionally this year.
I will take every chance I can get to teach God’s word! I love communicating and creating through words to build foundations of faith in the lives of others! I enjoy the back-end process of creating Spirit-led teachings for those thirsting to encounter a living God. This will continue to be a major focus for me in the second half of 2024. Using your gifts well is a great way to care for others!
Writing Bible Studies
Along with teaching in a live setting, I plan on writing more Bible studies. I already have a few on my site (you can see them here), and I look forward to channeling several of my passions through more studies in the coming months.
Growing a New Ministry
I’m excited to have the space to experiment with new ways to help women find and know Jesus more deeply and lead lives of purpose through the Crossroads Women ministry. I have fresh vision for ways women can encounter God and a great team! You can join in! Just put your name on the list here if you want to know what we are creating. If you already have your own church – great! I’d love to keep in touch personally here!
A New Book!
My first book, “How to Stay Standing", was published (a year and a half ago now!), I didn’t think I would be able to add another book to my collection so quickly. And yet, here we are.
The topic of the new book is just as surprising: I never thought I’d write a book about relationships, but one of the biggest struggles of our culture today is loneliness. The way we are pursuing life and connection is not working, and I believe Jesus has help for us. My new book is called Blueprint for Belonging, and it’s about five types of relationships you need in your life (that Jesus had in his!). I can’t wait for it to get to you. It’s already up for pre-order anywhere you buy books, and I’d love to have you sign up for my email newsletter for updates as we get closer to the release date!
Looking Forward to the Future
I have learned from my past. I am blessed by my present, but nothing gets me quite as excited as looking toward the future. God is always at work doing new things.
As I prepare for an action-packed second half of 2024, will you join me? Let’s go down this road together and see what God has in store.